2020-05-19 15:26:00

Pismo učiteljici


Ovo je pismo jedne učenice jednoj učiteljici, nije to bila zadaća, ovo je bila potreba da se nekome prenesu osjećaji o ovom vremenu nastave na daljinu, o tome što nam znači škola...

Pismo mi je poslala učenica Gabriela Tomić iz 7. c razreda, hvala joj na tome! ►

A letter to the teacher

I can relate in some type of way... This year has been really bad for me. I hope this situation will end soon because we've already lost this year and the next year, we're already in the 8th grade!

We're supposed to have the best years in our lives now because we're kids only once in our lives and we can't go back to the past. I miss school, I miss my teachers, I miss my friends and I miss hanging out with them. I miss seeing a smile on teachers' faces when I greet them. This isn't a life I want right now. It's so depressing being at home and not being able to hang out with others (except our family).

I hope that we're going to have the best last year next year and that we're going to remember it when we leave school. I will never forget those days at school when we used to joke around with our teachers when we used to help and support each other in everything...

Oh, I miss school so much! I wish this will end soon :(. Imagine me giving you a big hug too. Stay safe! :)

Gabriela Tomić, 7. c

Osnovna škola Jurja Habdelića Velika Gorica